Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Drawing with a tablet!

I'd been a bit aprehensive about using my Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch tablet. I bought it last June but I hadn't been able to use it until now as my laptop at home isn't very powerful, and I found drawing with it on there really annoying. This is because it's really slow, and every line too atleast a second to load up on screen.

After some mishap with getting my tablet to work on the uni computers (it didn't have the right software installed) I had to borrow one of the uni laptops instead. This allowed me to work at my desk, which was quite nice.

I started off with the porcupine, and built the spikes up in layers. Very much like how I would draw it in real life. I did find the benefits of using a computer though, as it makes it easier to edit and change things.

Here is where I've gotten up to with the male porcupine I've only done the spikes so far and none of the facial details.

And again with the female. I have started doing some of her face this time though.

I need to research into how to draw urine. As my tutor has pointed out it doesn't come out in one long flow, more like droplets. So I'm going to look up slow mo videos of urine.

I'm starting to enjoy myself yay :)

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